I cooked up some mushroom with ginger,soysauce,sake and oil of sesami.
This is mild and tastes good!!!
and I cooked curry and rice with only vegetable.
It is helthy ...
I cooked up some mushroom with ginger,soysauce,sake and oil of sesami.
This is mild and tastes good!!!
and I cooked curry and rice with only vegetable.
It is helthy ...
today is holiday.
I go to lunch to OASIS Launge, but we can't go into the restaurant because there is wedding party..
then, I went to go to Tanoura beach near TAKASAKI Mauntain "Echelle de Angel",this restaurant are full.we must wait for seat about 30 minites...uhhhh...
then, I went to go to BEPPU 'KURODASOU'
finally we could have seat...
with a japanease-western atmosphere
soup of potate
green salad
hamburger with brown sauce of japanease style
potaufeu which I cooked..
11:30~15:00(L.O14:00) 17:30~23:00(L.O122:00)
私のお薦め度 ★★★
I made photobook on the web site.
I boiled sardine with miso soup and boiled bamboo with soy sauce..
today we cooked yakisoba on the big oven plate.
I hope that Valérie and baby are everything all right.
My friends came to my house with their kids.
It was 3 or 4 month since I've seen them last.
NANAKO is 1 year 10 months and EMINA is 10 months.
Does't they look like them each other?
Despite the parents separate
They gave me "Blizzard of Flowers"for a moving celebration .
Thank you...
Katsu's friends come to my house. I cooked dinner some.
But every food is salty..
They said "it is good !"
BUt it is not good.
I must learn to cook!
ついにこの日がやってきたよ 嬉しいような、お母さんのことを思うと胸が痛いような でも、ここは、2人が全うに幸せに暮らしていたら、いつか理解してくれる日が来ると信じて 前に進むよ みんなの励ましがあったからここまでこれました 本当にありがとう
天気も良かったし気分がもりあがってついつい、お墓参り用のお花を買いに行ったついでにバラの花を自分で買ってみました 総額400円!
そしたら、従姉妹のゆかりちゃんから、プレゼントがお店に届いてた 感激して涙。。。
いろんな意味で 忘れられない記念日になりました~
we are just married!!
I am happy that this day finally came, but feel like the chest pain because I think my mother . If you are honest people live a happy life,I believe the day she'll understand one day, before I go.From people encouraged me, I was able to greet the day. Thank you very much!!
I send a postcard home to report soon married.
on 22th April means good couple and today is Earth day...do you know it?
We try to become best couple by making plays on words.
Today it was wonderful weather , it makes me so happy.
We visit the family grave(his family and my family) with having flower.
I bought rose while I'm at it
it costs 400 yen about 3 EUR...
it is very cheap!! present for myself.
and then We went to go shopping for ring.
Katsu will be tired very soon, during shopping...
because he is man...so it is limited 60 minites!!
We went to 2 shop.then decided!!
simple design!!
We had dinner at "cafe-francais YUKI"
it was so delicious!!
Here is the surprise from the store!!
we recieved cake and flower
and Moreover, they take picture, and then printed out there soon!!
His face is super-nervous.
after dinner we go to wine bar which is frined's !!
They gave us the gift of Champagne!!
Yukari makes us surprise also...
She bring the present(key holder of GUCCI) to the restaurant for us before we arrive...
and she wrote letter for me!! I was so excited, I cried...
In Japan , Japan Law (Civil Law) has adopted the principle of marriage required by law to established legal procedures for marriage .
We must write name , adress and signature of witness and so on...
We have written not yet...
Today my boyfriend come back at length.
He depart at seven Morning and arrive at 23:00..
I waited for having dinner , but I am hungry on 22:30.
I had little bit eaten.
NOw I pick him up..